My Vision: A Summary

My Vision: A Summary


With the tremendous growth occurring in this county, largely within Precinct 3, we need a Commissioner with the experience and capability of managing the challenges before us, which include fixing roads, managing drainage appropriately, reducing project costs, holding people and developers accountable, and even giving law enforcement and our justice officials the resources they need.


Community engagement is key. We have a wealth of talent in this community and The People know their own issues best. We MUST engage with our residents regularly to find small issues before they become huge issues while utilizing our own citizens abilities and expertise to help manage these challenges.

This is why I have committed to a Townhall Pledge to hold townhall meetings, at minimum, twice per year (quarterly, if possible) in each region of Precinct 3 from Prairie View to Monaville to South Waller. I am the only candidate pledging this and the only candidate committed to upholding it.


We need to be unified across the Precinct to meet our challenges head on. This includes long-standing families, as well as new families with engagement from Prairie View all the way through to Katy. A house divided against itself cannot stand and I believe I’m the only candidate capable of bringing these areas of Precinct 3 together.


Waller County is a special place, yet change is coming whether we like it or not. How we manage that change, handle challenges, and come together to preserve our history, our environment, and our communities today, for ALL residents, will dictate the rest of this Century.

I am confident I have the foresight to see the challenges ahead and the experience to manage it all.


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